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Interesting post. Trying to resocialize ones self is incredibly difficult. Since becoming (officially anyway) a Buddhist i have been trying to internalize a whole new world view and concomitant set of values. I see evidence that some progress is being made. Also, I plan to watch the podcast later tonight. Thanks for sharing about your path and your struggles with it.

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I have never deeply researched Buddhism, but I do know that it differs in substantial and meaningful ways from Christianity, which -- like sexism, like racism -- is extraordinarily entrenched in American culture. Even where it is explicitly invisible, it is implicitly reinforced at every turn.

So I can easily imagine that adopting Buddhism later in life is just as complex and difficult as trying to eradicate any other dominant set of implicit biases and behaviors. May you have continued success with your new tricks!

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Tremendously interesting Podcast. Thanks for sharing about your experience of life.

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